Feminist Mothers at Home

Feminist Mothers at Home is an email discussion group Feminist Mothers at Home for thinking women who choose to stay at home with their children and do something more than watch Regis and Kathie Lee.

Mothers at home, whether it be full time or part time, often feel unrepresented by the modern day feminist movement. This discussion group offers a positive feminist voice to the issues that surround mothering.

It is an unmoderated group. However, all subscription requests are processed by one individual so the group remains somewhat closed. There is a maximum number of subscribers.

Respect for individual opinions and viewpoints is strictly observed. There is also a digest version of this list is available.

There is good news and better news about the Feminist Mothers at Home mailing list...

The Bad News is:
There are LOTS of feminists who stay at home with their children. They are intelligent, articulate and wonderful! The list membership is currently full and we are not taking requests for new memberships.


Copyright © 1996, 2011 Ann Allen. All rights reserved.